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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daniel Gibson Takes A Shot At LeBron James’ ‘Greatness’

Daniel Gibson Takes A Shot At LeBron James’ ‘Greatness’ 

The back and forth between LeBron James and Cleveland continues on to this day. Everytime the Queen opens his mouth about his situation in Cleveland, something bad is almost guarenteed to come of it.
After the Miami Heat defeated the Chicago Bulls, for some reason James felt like he needed to address what happened while he was in Cleveland once again:
“I wanted to team up with some guys that would never die down in the moment. The opportunity presented itself with this great organization and we made it happen.”- James
One of LeBron closet friends with the Cavaliers was Daniel Gibson but he didn’t appreciate that comment at all:
“The way it’s said, you can’t help but take it personal. I would prefer to talk to him personally and say, ”Exactly what did you mean when you said this comment? What point were you trying to make?”…I take comments like that and when you speak out and you feel the need for everybody to hear what you are saying, it’s kind of like admission.

By you saying that, I don’t think great players should feel the need to say this about a team or say that about a team. I think what it all boils down to if you’re great, you go play great, be great and everybody will realize you’re great. And you wouldn’t have to let it be known that everybody else was less great.

Great players shouldn’t have to do that. So I feel like it’s kind of an admission. He might have needed some help. He might have needed to go somewhere and find someone who is a little greater so maybe he wouldn’t die down in those moments.” -Source
POW! Talk about using someone’s own words against them!

It seems like every chance Queen James gets to diminish his failures in Cleveland, he runs with it, but Gibson hit the nail on the head. James said he wanted teammates who wouldn’t “die down in the moment” kind of like he did in the 2007 NBA Finals. 

So what does he do? He leaves Cleveland and joins Dwyane Wade, a NBA Finals MVP, in Miami rather then convince Wade or any other number of stars to come to his “Kingdom” in Cleveland.
LeBron should just stop talking about the Cavs altogether, nothing good will come out of it.

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