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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brandon Roy’s Days In Portland Might Just Be Numbered

Brandon Roy’s Days In Portland Might Just Be Numbered

Now-a-days it’s never good news when Brandon Roy is the topic of conversation coming out of Portland. The former NBA All-Star may have a single year left to prove himself to be healthy enough to carry the Portland Trail Blazers.
According to some sources, the Blazers front office is trying real hard to figure out what to do with Roy. Their choices right now seem to be, “They can bring him back and see how much he can play, release him through the N.B.A’s amnesty clause, or induce him to retire.”
Oregonian columnist John Canzano is one person who is siding with Brandon over the team in this instance:
“I don’t for a second believe that Roy will retire. I don’t think he believes he’s done, nor would any physician who examined him. Again, Game 4. Period. End of discussion. But I do believe that Roy’s pride is the true wildcard.”
“I still believe Roy can play at a high enough level to make keeping him worthwhile. I believe developing a new role for him is not only the best option, but also the only option. He’d be overpaid in each of the next four seasons, but at the very least they’d get something in return.” -Source
It’s not fair for Roy to be put in this situation. As soon as he got injured, he’s pretty much been treated like he can’t bring value to the team anymore.

If Portland wants to help themselves and Roy out, they need to pick up another star during the off-season to take some more pressure off of Roy as a go-to scorer.

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