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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shaq Is Done For The Playoffs, Maybe For Good

The man the Boston Celtics placed their championship hopes on when they traded Kendrick Perkins to the Thunder may have laced up his size 23′s for the last time.

Reports are that Shaquille O’Neal is likely done for the playoffs because of nagging injuries, which leaves the Celtics thinner up front than they hoped.
Danny Ainge thought it was a good idea to bet on Shaq’s health, but that decision turned out to be ill-advised.

Now the Celtics have to hope their other O’Neal, Jermaine, can stay injury-free himself and give them some type of physical presence down low next to Kevin Garnett.
This blow means that the Celtics can stop dreaming of an NBA championship as of right now.
There’s nothing they would have loved more than to get a re-match of last year’s Finals with the Lakers for a shot at revenge, but as it turns out signing Shaq hurt more than it help them.
Now, Shaq will have to consider retirement because he can’t recover from injuries like he used to, and he didn’t even do well with injuries in the past. We may have seen the last of the laziest/most dominant big men in the NBA’s history.

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