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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dwyane Wade’s comments prove just how detached players are from their fans

Recently, Dwyane Wade sat down with the Associated Press and gave his assessment of the hardened lockout. The Miami Heat guard insinuated that, while some teams may be ready to compete today, the other 20 teams are sitting on their hands because it is convenient to do so. He went on to say that many teams are still mad over the Miami Heat’s spectacle last season.

“I’m not going to say it’s all about the Miami Heat, but it makes it a little easier to sit on your hands. I’m going to say that,” Wade said. “It makes it a little easier for others to sit on their hands because I know, I’m sure, teams that have an opportunity and feel like they can compete right now, they’re ready to go. If 20 other teams don’t feel they have that opportunity, they sit on their hands.

Dwyane Wade

on the NBA Lockout
Wade closed his statements by, not surprisingly, saying that all thisaffects the Miami Heat. Does anyone else matter?

Has anyone told Dwyane that his super team was defeated by the Dallas Mavericks (a small market team by the way)
...and this guy can relate to his fans? PLEASE!
in last season’s NBA Finals? The current Heat dream team still has yet to win anything. They showed through three quarters of the 10-11 season that they were affected by the media heatand buffet of pressures that their coming together created. It’s possible that the Heat can thank the injury plagued Boston Celtics for not having enough in the tank to compete against them. Certainly, a healthy, balanced Celtics team would have defeated the Heat and likely went on to their 18th championship.
As for now, we are forced to listen to the likes of LeBron and D-Wade pounce their feet, try to act mature and selfless while the fans are being let down. Any fan that follows the game closely knows that a labor dispute such as this cannot be caused by just one side of the argument. However, as the players make more foolish comments, it becomes more and more apparant to the average NBA fan– one who is out of work or struggling to make their mortgage/rent payments, that the NBA players are spoiled, dillusional and more detached from their fan base than ever.
Mr. Wade, you had 3 of the top ten players on your roster and yet you barely filled your arena for the NBA Finals last season. Good luck filling those seats this (condensed) season. When you are playing in front of a room full of white tee shirts only, then you can tell the fan base what’s “fair” and what’s not. What’s “greedy” and what’s not. Good luck Mr. Wade.

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