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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If Orlando Magic Don't Win Title In 2012 Dwight Howard Is Leaving

Orlando Magic star Dwight Howard announced to ( Monday, that he's not signing an extension with the Magic, (even though he wants to stay with the team). This could bring DRAMA among NBA teams when 2012 comes, as everyone will TRY to bring Dwight to their team. As FIRST reported on Media Daily LA last night after Game 6 of the NBA Finals, the Miami Heat "MIGHT" put together a package for Dwight (even though it's highly unlikely Dwight would accept a deal) to come down to South Beach. Again, I published a story last night which talked about a POSSIBILITY of Miami trading away Chris Bosh, and that if they do, then it could open MORE ROOM for Dwight. FIRST, we would need to see how the 2011-2012 NBA season goes for the Orlando Magic. He's not happy with the look of the current Orlando Magic team (which I reported on a few weeks back), as he wants BIG NAME STARS to come down, and help him win a championship for the city of Orlando. Unless the Magic made some changes, or spent the CASH, then he would consider being trade, or go into free agency. It's being said that if the 2011-2012 season comes, and goes with him not winning, nor COMING CLOSE to winning a championship, then he would leave the team, but if there's hope of a title in the future, then he would reconsider, and extent his contract with the Magic.  

There's word that the Chicago Bulls are AGAIN gearing up JUST IN CASE Dwight Howard enters free agency in 2012. Remember a few weeks ago, I wrote that the Chicago Bulls we're looking at Dwight Howard (before he spoke out about "staying" in Orlando). Just think of it, Derrick Rose, Dwight Howard, and Carlos Boozer? Killer combo.

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