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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amare’ Stoudemire Has Some Words Of Wisdom For LeBron James


New York Knicks superstar forward Amare’ Stoudemire was in Manhattan to promote an Excedrin campaign yesterday and he was asked about Miami Heat star LeBron James during an interview.
As someone who plays in the city of New York, Amare’ knows a thing or two about dealing with those sharks known as the media.
Amare’ had a few things to say that he feels will help LeBron in the long run:
“I think you have to conduct yourself in way that people can relate to you. The more they can relate to you, the more they will appreciate you.”
“Everybody has their own way of commenting on things, but I would have commented differently,” Stoudemire said. “One thing about Michael Jordan was that no matter how great he was and how much of a platform he stood on, he still related to all the hard workers out there in the world.”
“I think LeBron is still young,” Stoudemire added, “and there is still time for him to reconnect with the public.” -Source
At the end of the day, LeBron is going to have to get rid of his Twitter account because nothing good comes out of it.
He also needs to surround himself with some different people. His entourage plays too big a part in what he does, and they’ve helped him damage his image in the eyes of sports fans around the world. At this point in LeBron’s career, his friends from high school don’t know what’s best for him. Once he realizes that, he can finally mature.

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