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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Union to Players: ‘Prepare for the worst’ Their will be a NBA Lock Out

Bloomberg News recently got its hands on a copy of the instruction book the Players Union’s sent to players to help prepare for a lockout: “The National Basketball Association’s players union has a message for its members, and it has put it in writing: ‘Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.’ That’s the motto on the front cover of the National Basketball Players Association’s Lockout Handbook, which was distributed at team meetings between November and February, according to Dan Wasserman, a union spokesman. [...] The NBA guide includes tips on how to handle household expenses such as mortgages and rents; suggestions not to purchase new cars, clothing and jewelry, or travel to gambling destinations such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City, New Jersey; and advice on communicating with wives, children, agents and entourages.”

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