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Friday, March 18, 2011

That is not a mask, Kris Humphries

I can see why you'd think that Omer Asik is a mask-wearing villain, Kris Humphries. He's an imposing physical specimen from a far-flung land about whom American fans still know very little. Plus, he's always stealing extra possessions — 16 rebounds on Thursday night, including nine offensive caroms in slightly more than a half of basketball off the bench — and stealing is pretty dastardly. And his last name reminds us all of The Iron Sheik, who perpetrated a great many unkindnesses against WWF faces during the 1980s. It definitely checks out.
But as you can clearly see, that is not a mask, Kris Humphries. And he's going to keep getting away with those rebounds, no matter how much meddling you New Jersey Nets kids do.

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